

Communion to the Sick & Homebound

The gift of the Eucharist is given to the faithful through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but many times, people are too sick to receive the Eucharist. This is why we have this great ministry of bringing Communion to the Sick & Homebound.

If you or a loved one would like to have a Eucharistic minister bring communion once a week, please call the office to make your request known. We will contact you and put you on the schedule as soon as possible. 



Does your child need 1st Holy Communion?

Contact our Religious Ed Director at

Low Gluten Hosts

We have a supply of low-gluten hosts for those who are unable to receive Communion because of gluten intolerance. It has a gluten content of less than .001% or 10ppm and is approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. If you wish to use this bread, here is the procedure:

  • Before Mass, go into the priests’ vesting room off of the Gathering Space.
  • You will find glass containers for both the bread and the pyx.
  • Place one host in a pyx, close it, and place the pyx on the altar before Mass.
  • During Communion, as you reach the priest, deacon or Eucharistic minister, ask him/her to give you the pyx from the altar.
  • You open the pyx and receive Communion. Receive from the chalice if you wish.
  • Keep the pyx and return it to the glass case in the vesting room after Mass.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, contact the office or a Eucharistic Minister.
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